• Registration is 16:30 - 20:00 on Friday 13th June and between 8:30 - 9:45am race day
  • For those runners who cannot attend on Friday night, there will be registration available on Saturday morning between 8.30-9.45am. Please only attend this if you cannot attend on Friday night.  This is a limited service and queues are expected. Saturday Registration will close at 9.45am to enable our team to marshal at the event. 
  • Registration is at the Race Start, which is the Fingal Centre, Portree High School, Portree, IV51 9ET
  • You will need to bring photo ID with you to register (absolutely no registrations will be accepted without ID)
  • Parking is available at the venue for registration only. Please note you will be unable to park your vehicle at the venue from 9:30am on race day (any vehicles in the car park from that time onwards, cannot be removed until the race had finished)
  • If you need to get someone to register for you, please download and print out a copy of our Authorisation Notice. This will need to be submitted with your photocopied photographic ID.
  • When you arrive to register, please find your runner number on the alphabeticalised lists displayed on the walls at the centre, and then find the relevant registration table where we will be waiting to welcome you.  We do not send race numbers prior to race day.

A Runner's Information Brief will be emailed to all entrants leading up to race day.